8 Feet Hygiene Tips to Supercharge Your Nail Fungus Treatment
Maintaining foot hygiene might not be the most exciting topic. However, when it comes to nail fungus treatment, it’s absolutely crucial. Dirty feet aren’t just unpleasant – they can make it harder to kick fungus to the curb. When your feet are dirty, they become a cozy home for all sorts of bacteria and fungi. Those fungi are the same ones causing the stubborn nail fungus you’re hoping to get rid of. Trying to treat nail fungus without maintaining foot hygiene is like cleaning a dirty plate with a dirty sponge – it’s just not going to work well. In fact, it can even prolong the whole process and make it more frustrating. To ensure success, combine the OTC nail fungus treatment with these eight hygiene tips for your feet. This will ensure you get rid of the nail fungus for good.
The eight feet hygiene tips we will cover are:
- Keep your feet clean and dry
- Choose breathable footwear
- Change socks frequently
- Practice good nail care
- Avoid going barefoot in public areas
- Moisturize your feet
- Use antifungal products
- Seek prompt treatment
Let’s discuss these tips in more detail.
1. Keep feet clean and dry.
Every day, your feet come into contact with dirt, sweat, and bacteria, which can all team up and create the perfect environment for fungi to thrive. Regularly washing your feet with soap and water is like hitting the reset button on all that foot funk. Soap is essential here because it helps break down and wash away all the grime and germs that plain old water can’t tackle alone. So, lather up those feet, paying extra attention to the spaces between your toes where moisture loves to hang out.
But here’s the kicker: after you’ve given your feet a good scrubbing, it’s crucial to dry them off completely. Why? Because fungi thrive in wet and moist areas. Therefore, leaving your feet wet is an open invitation for pesky fungi to come on in and make themselves at home. So, before applying that nonprescription nail fungus treatment, ensure your feet are bone dry. It’ll make a world of difference in how effective your treatment is.
2. Inspect your feet regularly.
Regularly inspecting your feet is not glamorous, but it is crucial when dealing with nail fungus. After giving your feet a good wash and drying them off, take a moment to inspect your nails and toes. Give them a quick once-over to see how they’re holding up. Why is this so important? For starters, it helps you keep tabs on how well your toenail fungus treatment is going. You’ll be able to see if things are improving, staying the same, or getting worse. If you notice any changes, like new spots or weird colors, it could be a sign that you need to switch up your treatment plan. Regular inspections can also help you spot any signs that it’s time to pump the brakes on the treatment altogether. If you notice any signs of irritation or redness, it might mean that your skin isn’t loving the nail fungus treatment, and it’s time to switch things up.
3. Choose breathable footwear
Choosing breathable footwear is crucial when treating your nails for nail fungus. But what exactly do we mean by breathable footwear? Well, breathable shoes are made from materials that allow air to circulate around your toes, keeping them cool and dry. Mesh and leather are good examples of breathable materials to look for when buying shoes. Breathable footwear is crucial when treating nail fungus because fungi love warm, moist environments. So, if your feet are trapped in tight, non-breathable shoes all day, they are more likely to get sweaty and create the perfect breeding ground for fungus.
You should also choose shoes that aren’t too tight-fitting and avoid wearing shoes for long stretches at a time. You want to give your feet room to breathe and prevent them from turning into sweat factories. And whenever you can, try to opt for open-toed shoes. They give your toes even more breathing room and help keep them nice and dry.
4. Change socks frequently
When dealing with nail fungus, pick socks made from moisture-wicking materials. These socks help pull moisture away from your skin. Combined with breathable footwear, these socks help keep your feet nice and dry. You might have heard of antimicrobial socks. These socks are made from materials that help fight off bacteria and fungi, which is precisely what you want when battling nail fungus.
But here’s the thing: even the best socks can’t do their job correctly if you’re not changing them regularly. Make it a habit to swap out your socks daily, especially if you have sweaty feet or you’re doing activities that make you sweat a lot.
5. Practice good nail care.
If you don’t care for your nails while seeking nail fungus treatment, you can create an environment for fungi to thrive, making your treatment efforts futile. Firstly, when trimming your nails, ensure you cut them straight across and don't cut them too short. Cutting them this way helps prevent those tiny cuts and scrapes where fungi like to sneak in and cause trouble. Always use clean nail clippers. You don’t want to spread any fungi from one toe to another, so give your nail clippers a good scrub before and after each use. And don’t share nail clippers with anyone else, either.
6. Avoid going barefoot in public places.
Always wear shoes in public places like pool decks or gyms. These places are hotbeds for fungal spores. Wear flip-flops or sandals in public areas like communal showers and public swimming pool decks. These sandals put up a barrier between your feet and fungal spores, reducing the risk of reinfection while you try to treat your nails for fungus.
7. Moisturize your feet
While it’s crucial to keep your feet dry to prevent fungal growth, you don’t want your skin to get too dry. Excessive dryness can lead to cracks and openings in your skin, which are prime real estate for fungal infections. So, what’s the solution? Find a good foot cream or lotion and make it part of your daily routine. Focus on slathering it on areas prone to dryness, like your heels and the sides of your feet. By moisturizing your skin, you’re creating a barrier against fungal invaders while also preventing pesky cracks and openings.
8. Choose antifungal products
Now that you’ve diligently practiced foot hygiene, it’s time to bring in the big guns: over-the-counter nail fungus treatments. Our nail fungus solution is your secret weapon in the battle against nail fungus. It is made from natural ingredients, so you don’t have to worry about chemicals irritating your skin. Plus, it has a convenient brush applicator, making it easy to apply. For the best results, follow the dosage and usage instructions as directed. Consistency is critical, so ensure you stick with it and give those fungi the boot once and for all.
Treating nail fungus requires more than just using nonprescription toenail fungus treatments. While these treatments are essential, they won’t get very far if you create a cozy environment for the fungi to thrive. That’s why you must clean and dry your feet and incorporate the foot hygiene tips we’ve discussed into your daily routine. Practicing good foot hygiene alongside your nail fungus treatment will ensure your feet remain fresh and fungi-free.